Image result for revision

Answering 4 mark questions

Answering 5 mark questions_new

Answering 12 mark questions


Education theories






Studying society booklet


Revision on Crime lesson-resources

GCSE Sociology Revision





Image result for exams

When and where?

Crime and Deviance paper – Mon December P3, North Hall

Unit 1 paper – Studying Society, Family and Education – Thurs December 15th, North Hall

Here are the revision books:





Past papers: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/sociology/gcse/specification-4190/past-papers-and-mark-schemes

How to answer 4, 5 and 12 mark questions:





Y10 Assessment Week Preparation

The Y10 classes will sit an assessment on the following dates:

10B – Monday October 17th

10D – Tuesday October 18th

10C – Wednesday October 19th

Please revise everything we have done up until now:

Socialisation; nature nurture debate; quantitative research; questionnaires; longitudinal research; qualitative research; the purpose of sociological research; ethical issues in research; sampling; pilot study

The assessment will only take 16 minutes and will test you on the first part of the Studying Society paper. 

REVISION BOOKLET: studying_society_use



Use these resources to create revision notes, cards and to answer questions. Email me with any work you do.



Studying societyUnit 1 revision FAM

Unit 1 revision STUDYING

UNIt 2 LAST minute reivison

5 things i need to know sheet


Answering 4 mark questions

Answering 5 mark questions

Answering 12 mark questions



Family booklet 2

family revision

GCSE Sociology Revision

how to answer questions


Try to learn as many of these definitions as you can:

PAPER 1 (Studying Society; Education; Family): unit1glossary

PAPER 2 (Crime and Deviance; Mass Media; Power and Politics): unit2glossary

Here are some revision resources:

Short answer question practice:

Short answer questions

PAPER 1 ‘Filling the gaps information’: mock exam filling the gaps

PAPER 1 (and Crime and Deviance) MOCK EXAM FEEDBACK FROM LDV: Y11 Sociology Mock Exam General Feedback 2015

THEORIES: Play against your friends! https://play.kahoot.it/#/?quizId=2810bcf5-5323-494a-93bf-b84f8d956337



Some of you asked me to write a post about the revision style that I followed, so here you go:

Two to three months before the exams: 

  1. Add to your revision notes – fill any gaps and improve the notes you have.
  2. Make your notes easy to read – add colours and illustrations
  3. Make sure you understand the specification – how many questions, marks, timings etc.
  4. Get hold of as many past papers/questions as possible (old spec: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/sociology/as-and-a-level/sociology-2190/past-papers-and-mark-schemes; new spec – http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/sociology/as-and-a-level/sociology-7191-7192/assessment-resources)
  5. Create revision cards/tables/mindmaps
  6. Begin to write some practice essays – they don’t need to be timed and you can use your notes

Around four to six weeks before the exams:

Now your notes are perfect, you can start to revise intensively:

  1. Exam answers – write a timed answer – then check the answer against your notes/textbook etc – highlight A01 and A02 in different colours – in another colour write down anything that you have missed/any improvements – self mark – email to me and I can mark it – if I give it a mark you are happy with, tick the question so you know you don’t need to write another answer, if it is a low mark, make a note of it so that you re-revise this topic and potentially write another answer or at least a plan.
  2. A quick way to cover a lot of questions is to create plans for them. In the first instance, take your time and use your notes to create a really good plan. You will then use these plans later to check timed plans against
  3. Anything that you are weak on – keep using the revision cards with friends/family to check knowledge – just make sure that you write a list of things that you are not so good at – remember, the aim is to identify what you don’t know, so that you can make sure you revise it!

Two weeks to go:

  1. Keep writing timed exam answers, maybe complete a full timed mock paper – self mark it – then email me
  2. Because you have less time now, start to complete some spoken essays. Choose a question, then plan it (in 4 minutes max), then record yourself speaking through the entire essay – make sure you speak exactly as you write. Listen back to it and list anything that you have missed.
  3. Try and create your own exam style questions – this will really get you to think about what might come up

One week to go:

  1. You should be feeling pretty confident now…hopefully the list of what you are not so confident about should be a lot shorter – use the revision cards to keep working on those weak areas
  2. Write timed plans for your made up questions – check them afterwards and with another pen, add anything you may have missed
  3. Create a one sided A4 sheet with the key information for the exam – how many questions, how many marks, how many minutes for each question. Also, identify your main targets: always link back to the question; try to apply ideas to the UK etc…
  4. Have a flick through all your essays and plans – read the question and state what you would answer, then quickly check to see if you have thought of everything…
  5. Be confident – you are ready!